TeeBox Live pays commissions to golf courses utilizing TeeBox Live’s digital or static markers.  Commissions are based on the number of markers with paid ads located on the course. By paying the golf courses, we feel that it is a win win for not only the advertisers, but the golf course as well.

Of course, golf courses can buy the markers outright, and solicit advertisers on behalf of themselves without going through TeeBox Live.  

Managing Ads

Managing ads is accomplished through our app.  Current ads are pulled down to your mobile device throught the app.  Each course is assigned a unique ID that pulls the correct ads to the app.  Once the image ads are downloaded, the app is then connected to the “master” teebox marker and the ads are uploaded to it. This master teebox marker then “pushes” the ads to the other markers.  6 ads may be uploaded at once to the markers.  If only one ad is uploaded, it becomes a static ad, and will only show this one (first) slide on the marker.

Static ads are laminated ads that fit into our specially designed static ad markers.  These are great for golf tournaments (IE: Hole Sponsored By, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, etc).

Contact TeeBox Live today for more information.